Why do I need this application?
Well this pool care application is great because it allows you to save all of your test results in to one convenient location: your phone! No more pad and paper. No more booklets of results. It’s all in one easy to access place. All the information is stored in a database for your convenience that you can look at whenever you want. View graphs of your results for the entire month, or just for the day. If you’re a pool cleaner or own a pool business, this app is great to have because you can store more than just one pool’s results! You can be managing multiple pools and save each results for each pool at once! It’s an easy to use application that just makes pool care easier! This is the first release of the application so the F.A.Q.s and Documentation will be growing!
What does the app do exactly?
Lots! You can save test results for your pool, view the results in a list format, or by graph. The graphs can be shown by month (showing FIRST result for each day of a specific month) or by day (showing ALL results for a specific day). You can calculate pool volume (in gallons) if you know the length, width, and depth measurements (in feet). You also have access to this F.A.Q. guide and also the Pool Care documentation which will be growing continually!
Does this app actually test the water?
Not yet. I am working on an way to actually create a device to connect to the phone to read the water levels. However, for right now, you must enter the test results manually.
What are some updates I can expect in the next version?
I plan on incorporating an analysis feature that shows you what chemicals need to be added when the pool tests are entered. I also plan on adding pictures to the Calculator to show options of different pool styles to get the best calculation of your pool.
I am open to any comments or questions, please feel free to leave a comment if you do. I am interested in hearing what you think and if you have any ideas for further updates to this App!
This app doesn’t work on my Android phone! Why not?
I currently haven’t had any issues with this app on any Android device, so this shouldn’t be an issue really but you never know. Please let me know if this application doesn’t work on your Android phone. Let me know the make/model and I will look into it!
I made a mistake on my results entry and need to redo it. How do I delete the old test results?
In the graph view or results view, you can click MENU and then ‘Results Log’, pick the date and remove the log entry with the error. From there you can go back and enter the new results!
What are some recommended pool chemical products to use?
The Pool Care app gives recommendations based off of “generic” products. What matters is the percentage of the active chemical in the product. In the Pool Guide section, under CHEMICAL PERCENTAGES, there is a list of different products with their percentages.
I want to donate more! How?
Oh you’re just too kind. Click on the donate button below! Thank you!
Want to donate your thoughts and ideas?
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